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All You Need To Know About HTTP Status Codes

All You Need To Know About HTTP Status Codes

Your browser sends a request to the server each time you go to a website. And, the server responds with something called a status code. This code determines whether your request is successful or blocked due to some error.

Understanding them is pretty important for anyone who is managing websites. It can reveal any hidden issues that might be affecting your SEO rankings. In this blog, we will break down the various HTTP status codes and explain how to address these issues.

What is an HTTP Status Code?

An HTTP Status Code is a three-digit number that is sent back from the server towards the browser to let it know what happened in relation to a request. It’s part of the HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) that governs how data is exchanged on the web.

Types of HTTP Status Codes

Each category of HTTP status code conveys a particular response. Let’s check it out.

1. Informational Codes (1XX)

These are codes that inform that the server has taken the request, but the response continues. Such codes are commonly used during intense interactions between a client and server during large transactions. It mainly occurs when the server is switching to a different protocol. Check out the main types of informational codes:

  • 100 Continue: It mainly occurs when there is a large file upload. You can continue the request with the correct data input.
  • 101 Switching Protocols: This means that the server wants to go for a protocol switch, usually due to performance issues. You must verify the compatibility with the requested protocol.
  • 102 Processing: The server is processing the request but no response is available. It occurs mainly during server downs due to heavy usage. 
  • 103 Early Hints: It gives preliminary information to pre-load resources. This code is shown to enable faster loading for the website.

Similarly, there are many 1XX codes like 104 Connection Reset By Peer, 105 Name Not Resolved, 106 No Response, etc. Since these are informational codes, they usually do not need any action unless part of a development process. You just need to check the connection between the client and the server. 

2. Success Codes (2XX)

As the name suggests, success codes show that the server has successfully processed the request, and the desired action is done. No action is required unless you want to optimize performance. Some of the common success codes are given below:

  • 200 OK: This is a positive sign that indicates that the response contains the requested resource.
  • 201 Created: It is seen when new entries are added in the CMS. You just need to verify that the creation logic does not send errors.
  • 204 Nothing: This means the request was successful and returned nothing to report. It is usually shown during delete or any other requests which cannot return the body. 
  • 206 Partial: Usually seen when the client enters a Range header to see only a part of a resource.

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3. Redirection Codes (3XX)

Redirection codes indicate that the resource has been moved to a new location. It occurs mainly due to URL restructuring. Have a look at some of the main redirection codes:

  • 301 Moved Permanently: This shows that the requested resource is available at a new permanent location.
  • 302 Found: It is a temporary redirect to another resource due to maintenance. 
  • 304 Cached: This appears when the resource hasn’t changed since the last request. It just returns the cached version.
  • 307 Temporary Redirect: The resource that you have requested is temporarily available at another URL. The only difference between the 302 and 307 codes is that the user must not change the request method.

To avoid redirection codes, just make sure that the redirects in your server configuration are always updated.

4. Client Error Codes (4XX)

These errors point to a problem with the request from the browser, like incorrect URLs. The common causes of client error codes are incorrect URLs, missing authentication, insufficient permissions, etc. These are the major 4XX errors:

  • 400 Bad Request: Displayed when the server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. You just need to check the URL in another browser to avoid this error.
  • 401 Unauthorized: If you are trying to access a resource locked with authentication without proper login credentials, this error may be shown.
  • 403 Forbidden: It is shown when your request is valid but the server is refusing to authorize it. In case this is an error, you must update the server access permissions to the requested resource.
  • 404 Not Found: This means that the server cannot find the requested page due to broken links. It is better to create 301 redirects under these cases.

Implementation of proper authentication methods and setting correct resource permissions can solve most of the client error codes.

Call Growth Vive Solutions today at (778) 288-8638 or message us online to learn more about our services, and let us help you achieve your goals with our expert solutions.

5. Server Error Codes (5XX)

It refers to errors that occur when the server fails to process a valid request. Most probably, technical issues lead to server error codes. Check out the main server error codes:

  • 500 Internal Server Error: One of the most generic error codes that shows that something went wrong on the server. You must try to check error logs for root causes and debug accordingly to fix these errors.
  • 502 Bad Gateway: This is shown when the server gets an invalid response from another server it’s dependent on. These occur mainly due to connectivity problems between servers.
  • 503 Service Unavailable: Indicates that the server is too busy or scheduled for maintenance.
  • 504 Gateway Timeout: If the server cannot get a response in time from another server, a 504 gateway timeout error is displayed. Optimize the performance of upstream servers to avoid this.

When a server error code occurs, firstly, clear the cache. Then, restart the server. If the issue still persists, debug server-side scripts for errors. You must keep a close eye on server health through tools like Pingdom, to avoid these types of errors in the future.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?
Algorithms may flag websites with recurring status code errors as unreliable. Soon, your search engine rankings may drop drastically. Consistent website audits are the only way to stay out of it. 


What may seem to be minor inconveniences could have a devastating impact on the website’s performance and the user experience. Imagine a simple 404 error on your e-commerce website during a festive season. It will result in a huge loss, right? That’s why it’s so important to constantly optimize your website to keep it running smoothly.

At Growth Vive, we know how important a website can be for your business. Our team of experts can pinpoint the issue and implement solutions that work best. Come, let’s work together to wipe away the major HTTP errors from your website!

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